Configuring your Profile

Now that your listing is created, you will input all the information about the types of services you offer! In order to catch the attention of potential clients, we recommend making your listing as detailed and client-oriented as possible. This guide will walk you through all the ways you can customize your listing. If you are a therapist, please follow these articles to ensure your listing is verified and published.

Edit your TherapyOwl listing in 2 easy ways:
  1. Using Tutorial mode to set up your profile
  2. Manually Editing your listing
Once you have set up your profile, you are 2 steps away from having your listing published for clients to see:
  1. Understanding your Publication status
  2. Getting your account Verified and Published

Using tutorial mode to set up your profile

When you have completed the signup process by verifying your email address, you are then taken directly to your profile page where Tutorial mode is enabled. You can disable this mode at any time by opening the Step Menu at the bottom of the page and clicking the orange Close Tutorial button. The menu looks something like this:
You can toggle back to tutorial mode at any point when logged in. To do this, click the blue and white Tutorial button at the top right of your profile page. If you choose to navigate away from the tutorial page midway, you will be taken back to the same step you were on to complete your listing when clicking Tutorial again.

When setting up your profile in tutorial mode, you will be taken through a series of 13 steps to complete. To begin the tutorial, press the green Start button on the tutorial popup.

Note - steps with an asterisk next to them are mandatory to be completed in order for your profile to be published.

  1. Profile Picture*
  2. Profile Header
  3. About*
  4. Email*
  5. Website
  6. Education*
  7. Experience*
  8. Association
  9. Licence*
  10. Client Focus*
  11. Treatment Types*
  12. Clinical Issues*
  13. Service Types*
Once you are satisfied with the information in each section you are working on, click the green Next button to move to the next step. If you would like to go back to a section within the tutorial, you can do so by opening the Step Menu at the bottom of the page and clicking the orange Previous Step button. You can also skip through sections by clicking the green Next Step button in the Step Menu, or by manually clicking a section within the menu.

If you choose to not set up your profile by using our tutorial, or would like to make changes to one specific section, you may do so by editing your profile manually.

Manually editing your profile

Users can manually edit their profile at any time when logged in. To enable this editing mode, simply click the blue Click to Enable Editing bar at the top of your profile page. This bar looks like this:

Once you have enabled this mode, hover over any section of your profile you would like to edit and click the blue Edit button that appears. When you have completed entering the new information click the green Save button for the changes to be saved. Click the grey Cancel button if needed.

After you have completed inputting information in all the required fields, you are ready to have your publication status reviewed!

Understanding your Publication status

Your publication status informs you of where your profile is in the process of being listed. This status can be seen in the grey bar at the top of your profile which says Publication Status. This bar looks something like this:

If your publication status says Incomplete, it means there are mandatory fields on your profile that are not yet completed. To see what these fields are, simply click on the grey Publication Status bar for a drop-down checklist to appear. This checklist will identify which fields are yet to be completed.

If your publication status says In Review, it means you have successfully completed all the required fields! This status indicates we are checking over your profile to verify its content.

Getting your account verified and published

Once all the required fields have been completed on your profile, our team steps in to verify the information you have listed! In order to legitimize the credibility of the therapists we list, we require all profiles to be reviewed in detail before we release it to the public.

All that’s left to do is publish your profile once we have verified the content! As soon as we publish your listing, we will email you to notify you of this. You can confirm this by checking for the grey Publication Status bar at the top of your profile, which should no longer be there.